Sigep 2018, record numbers for a “Wow!” edition

All the numbers are a record-breaking regarding SIGEP 2018 – the 39th artisanal ice cream, confectionery and bakery and coffee exhibition: among the main data, there was a total attendance of 209.135 people, of which 135.746 Italian buyers and 32.202 foreign buyers from 180 countries.
The 77% of international buyers come from Europe (predominantly from Spain, Germany, France, Greece, Poland), the 12% from Asia (Japan, Korea, China and India), the 7% from America (United States, Canada, Brazil), the 3% from Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt), 1% from Oceania (Australia).
These data add to exhibitors, competitors in international competitions, competition teams, conferences guests, participants at academy sessions.
It was an incredible edition also for ISA, which had a constant flow of visitors at the stands – ISA, COF and ABACO – an important increase of contacts from all over the world and of positive confirmations towards proposals, new and reinforced, introduced at the exhibition.
Large curiosity and interest from visitors towards new professional and refrigerated showcases called “Stratos”, “Delta” and “Supercapri”, shown in first preview at Sigep 2018.
The multi-experiential path of the ISA stand allowed to emphasize different solutions about reception and conviviality, as well as many advantages of the company.
Internal Design suggestions for cafés, ice-cream parlor, pastry shop, chocolate shop, diner, bakery and “fusion bar”, or rather a new generation and pluri-service place which gathers different offers.
The new ISA system of modular, sectional and customizable elements, Combo, which alternates from custom-made suggestion.
ISA Technologies, a space with suggestion of chest freezers with independent temperature of the “Multiplo” and “Il Gelataio” and “Plus system”, which allows total control of cold performances.
ISA “ARIA Project”, informative area reserved to environmental sustainability in the field of professional refrigeration and particularly to “Air” project of ISA, which has been investing for a long time and in an increasingly consolidated way, in CO2 natural refrigerants.
Demo place, where the German pastry chef Ernst Knam and the Italian pastry chef Renato Ardovino performed in live cooking shows, drawing attention to the added value of the “Gelatomix” plate – which arrives at a -20º C and allows to knead ice-cream and chocolate – of Supershow showcase – absolute transparency and the biggest visibility of the ice-cream – and the patented ISA Smartflex technology.
COF, exhibition of products coming from Food&Beverage unit of ISA.
ABACO, the new company brand dedicated to semifinished products and to steel back counters field, had an excellent confirmation at Sigep 2018, after the success already achieved at the introductory launch in October 2017 in Milan during the Host Exhibit.
Important results arrived also from the web and social profiles of ISA, just to quote some data, during 5 days of the exhibit registered approximately:
- about 8000 page views of which about 6000 unique views on official web sites;
- about 10000 Facebook posts interactions;
- over 15000 Instagram stories views.
It really was a great Sigep for ISA, as a result of an excellent teamwork.
Thanks to all the ISA team and Thanks to all our visitors!
See you all at #Sigep2019